مدیر عامل » Sanagostar

general manager

 Peyman Daftari
General Manager

CEO message
These days, health views have broader perspectives than before that each factor strongly impacts, by its own or by affecting other factors, on health.
Changes in lifestyles to urban and mechanical lives are one of the main reasons in increasing hypertension disease.
What you eat and how much you eat depends on the physical activity amount of every individual. Physical activity is a part of health and glycemic control. Overweight and obesity is one of the factors which increase heart diseases- cardiovascular, diabetes, hypertension and some types of cancers. Therefore, it is always recommended to be maintained in a normal range of weight.
According to World Health Organization, health is based on three levels: first level, second level and third level of prevention.
First level of prevention: actions which are taken to prevent diseases. These actions increase physical and mental strength of each community and help to have a healthier environment.
Second level of prevention: This level includes diagnosis the disease at time and treats it quickly. These actions are taken to prevent the progress of disease to advanced stages, the creation of mutilation and infect healthy people.
Third level of prevention : at this level, stopping progression of the disease and preventing disability or death is the main aim.
Sana Gostar Co., on its path to achieve to the goals of its strategic plan, is proud to offer different products in the field of health care, prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
These days, in complex marketing and business world, different factors such as competition and globalization, instability in markets, reducing in governmental help, the progress of companies and their efforts to gain a higher market share as well as the possibility to start new business activities have led to the integration of group of firms to a Holding company, not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. 
By God willing and non-stop efforts of managers and employees, Sana Gostar is moving forward to reach to these goals.
In our company, the strategic plan is based on respect, honesty, satisfaction of each employee and customer and progression of utility of indicators, both quantitative and qualitative.
By taking the advantage of valuable human resource, expertise and determination, we hope to see Sana Gostar Co. developing and becoming as one of the biggest and reputable companies in private sector, especially working with scope of international standards with adherence to the principles and values of Iranian & Islamic culture.